
Six principles of early prevention of chronic kidney disease

Currently, the worldwide incidence of chronic kidney disease showed an increasing momentum , and the public on the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease is generally lacking. This situation led to the early stages of chronic kidney disease from worsening progression to end-stage renal failure, uremia. Statistics show that there are over 100 million people worldwide rely on dialysis to survive, and is growing at an average annual growth rate of 8% . In addition , the incidence of chronic kidney disease is also showing a trend of younger , just a lot of uremic patients aged two to three years old , the minimum age less than 10 years old.

So, how to prevent chronic kidney disease? Please be sure to adhere to the following six principles of prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease -

First, do not mess medication : The most common cause of trauma to the kidneys and lead to loss of function for all types of drugs painkillers, antibiotics and some developer , etc. , people generally have the habit of self-medication medicines , in this proposal , there are physical discomfort with the prescribing physician medication should not buy self-medication medicines , Furthermore, for long-term use of painkillers , subject to prescription , so can reduce unnecessary complications , and slow the deterioration of renal function .

Second, the diet should be light : Do not eat too much high-protein foods , protein digestion by the ingestion of waste that is generated by the absorption of ammonia, excessive intake of protein foods that are adding to the burden on the kidneys , the kidneys do more work . Also should reduce the proportion of fat in food , oil could easily lead to excessive blood pressure and hardening of the arteries and other diseases, the same is also lethal to the kidneys , many related studies also point out that limiting protein intake , high cholesterol control etc. are all effective ways to prevent kidney disease progression .

Third, the prevention and control of hypertension : blood pressure and kidney are closely related, high blood pressure so high pressure and kidney blood vessels has long been hardened , so it will have damage to the kidneys , the actual occurrence in the kidney health, blood pressure control is also important ring .

Fourth, proper hydration : less water , less urinary excretion of people, often urinary tract infection, hyperuricemia, or certain metabolic diseases easily capita incidence of kidney stones .

Fifth, weak immune system should avoid frequent access to public places : the body resistance is poor, increased toxins , suppress the immune system in some white blood cells function , it is easy to infect bacteria, acute glomerulonephritis often secondary to upper respiratory tract infection , especially after streptococcal infection , preschool children most likely to have the disease , but ninety percent will be recovered, the prognosis is good , if adults have the disease , about half will become chronic , it should be in a vulnerable period try to rest and restore the body's immune system to fight the function .

Six , regular health check : kidney tumors occur in men between forty and 70 , polycystic kidney disease and hereditary kidney disease patients who have a family history of kidney disease , regular testing of renal function in the early detection and early treatment .
More than just routine chronic kidney disease prevention measures, such as when suffering from chronic kidney disease , hope to actively regulate treatment to avoid deterioration of the later stages of chronic kidney disease , kidney failure , uremia occur.

