
What kind of diet kidney disease

Today we introduce some therapeutic approachr the treatment of kidney disease , patients and friends can make some dietary aspects of care in their lives , to help them to better treat the disease better .
Kidney disease diet :
Therapeutic one , melon cornmeal porridge
Melon cornmeal porridge practices: use fresh skin melon 100 g , 50 g cornmeal . Wash skin with fresh melon , cut, built casserole , add water , sprinkle with cornmeal , porridge to simmer , and cook until cooked porridge for the degree of rotten melon , 2 times a day, morning and afternoon free to take.
Diet two , beans porridge
Bean porridge practices : use beans 60 grams , 100 grams of rice . The beans , rice washing clean , respectively , under the wok add water , boil congee . For breakfast and dinner take. This porridge spleen appetizer , water swelling power. For chronic nephritis edema, diaphragmatic choking and other illnesses.
Diet three , mung bean porridge liver
Mung bean porridge liver practices : use green beans 50 grams, 100 grams of rice , 100 grams of fresh liver . First green beans , rice congee . The liver chopped, cooked into porridge , seasoning with salt . Can often take for those qi and blood deficiency .
Diet four , ginger jujube porridge
Ginger jujube porridge
Approach : use fresh ginger 12 grams , jujube 6 , rice 90 grams . Wash chopped ginger , jujube , rice porridge . 2 times a day , making breakfast, evening meal can be taken all year round . For mild edema, pale complexion person .
Diet five , Citrus porridge
Citrus porridge practices : use of rice 60 grams , the end of one gram of dried tangerine peel , brown sugar. Wash the rice congee with brown sugar . Peripheral boiling can then add orange peel . Can often breakfast and dinner meals. Apply to pay less , disturbed night sleep , with spleen and kidney, qi and blood fill the role .
The above method is that some kidney patients can be therapeutic , of course, you want to keep in mind that these methods only play a therapeutic role of adjuvant therapy , in order to cure kidney disease or should

