
Renal insufficiency - warning signal

Renal insufficiency patients with chronic kidney disease is worsening a late stage of progress . Clinically, patients with chronic kidney disease when entering the stage of renal insufficiency , due to the different clinical presenting symptoms and clinical laboratory indicators on , will be divided into decompensated renal insufficiency , decompensated stage renal failure and uremia period . No matter what stage of renal insufficiency , early renal insufficiency, renal insufficiency or advanced stages of the disease is not formed overnight , it is the result of long-term effects of various risk factors . Study confirmed the lack of sensory nerves in the kidneys , so often feel everything is normal after patients suffering from kidney disease. So, when severe anemia , nausea, vomiting and other symptoms , the patient lives have been in danger .
Although the development of kidney disease are more secretive, but in the early renal dysfunction , the body will still appear warning signal -
Drowsiness , fatigue , pale yellow, poor appetite, these symptoms are suffering from kidney dysfunction early manifestations of the disease , almost 100% of the patients will appear, but it is the most easily overlooked performance. When this occurs , it is often linked together with fatigue . So be sure to always go to the hospital to check kidney function.
Because high blood pressure kidney excretion function, impaired renal function , the body will occur sodium and water retention, in addition , when the kidneys secrete a number of substances increase blood pressure . Therefore , there will be early uremic patients showed 90% of people with hypertension .
Edema , urine output change is a relatively easy to perceive this phenomenon, also advanced symptoms of renal failure , only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, followed by the development of persistent or generalized edema. Patients, such as facial swelling occurs , urine foam increased, the color deepened , kidney pain , urinary discomfort and other symptoms should promptly seek kidney specialist advice. However, most patients with early CKD do not have any symptoms, but found in the examination , so regular laboratory tests of urine, easy, fast , inexpensive, most CKD patients can be found in urine .
Once the early signs of renal dysfunction , should go to regular hospital diagnosis or consult with your physician to find a professional in order to timely diagnosis and early rehabilitation .

