
Kidney disease associated with mental disorders --- treatment programs

Active prevention and treatment of the primary disease , renal failure, prevention is crucial ; avoid mental disorders predisposing factors, such as inflammation , fever , trauma , surgery, tooth extraction , and psychological factors ; corrected blood metabolites, non-protein nitrogen savings and maintaining water and electrolyte balance ; of excitement, agitation or delirium when necessary, can diazepam ( Valium) , caution antipsychotics , sedative hypnotics , etc. ; dialysis treatment for physical and cerebral symptoms have good effect .

1 active treatment of the primary disease and prevent further aggravation of renal failure, uremia occur. Avoid all predisposing factors such as infection , trauma, cardiac dysfunction , as well as damage to the kidneys and other drug use . Infection control . Improve renal function , strengthen the excretion of toxic substances. Timely processing of metabolic acidosis and correcting water , electrolyte imbalance .

2 pairs of agitation may be given intramuscular benzodiazepine drugs such as diazepam ( Valium) , etc., or oral risperidone minor side effects such as antipsychotics, but caution is disabled or barbiturates and chlorpromazine , etc., in order to avoid disturbance of consciousness induced or exacerbated by , the patient is anxiety and depression may be given anxiolytic and antidepressant , but the dose should be small . Control psychotic symptoms , although quite important, but must be careful medication. As the drug excretion blocked renal failure , so the spirit of the dose must be with a small dose . Excitatory disturbed patients. May be appropriate to apply chlorpromazine , haloperidol intramuscular injection. As can be administered orally, can be applied clonazepam ( clonazepam ) 2mg, 2 times / d.

3 To make preparations before dialysis, dialysis patient explanation of the purpose , methods, effects , precautions and problems that may occur, reducing concerns and boost confidence , prevent the emergence of fear, panic , anxiety, anxiety and other emotions. Correcting water, electrolyte imbalance and metabolic acidosis. Small doses of psychotropic substances and can be used anticonvulsant drugs symptomatic treatment, but pay attention to side effects of the drug. Control psychotic symptoms , although quite important, but must be careful medication. As the drug excretion blocked renal failure , so the spirit of the dose must be with a small dose . Disturbed patients on the proper use of chlorpromazine excitement , haloperidol intramuscular injection. As can be administered orally, can be applied Clonazepam 2mg, 2 times / d. Anxiety and depression by appropriate choice of anxiolytics or antidepressants.

