
Contraindicated in patients with kidney stones diet

Patients with kidney stones in their daily lives to pay special attention to diet, some foods may aggravate kidney stones disease , the following enumerated patients with kidney stones should pay special attention to food.

Control calcium intake

There are pockets % stones is calcium or calcium product formation. If you're on a back of the stone , the main ingredient is calcium , then you have to pay attention to calcium intake. If you are taking nutritional supplements crystal , you first need to consult a physician if necessary . Second is to check daily calcium intake of food, including milk , cheese , butter and other dairy products . Milk and antacids may produce kidney stones.

Do not eat foods rich in oxalate

Approximately 60% of stones are calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, you should limit intake of oxalate -rich foods, including beans, beets, celery , chocolate, grapes, green peppers, parsley , spinach , strawberries and vegetables kale Division . Also avoid alcohol, caffeine , tea , chocolate, dried figs , lamb , nuts , green peppers , black tea, poppy seeds and so on.

Note that protein intake

Kidney stones and protein intake is directly associated with . Protein is easy to make the urine uric acid, calcium and phosphorus occurs , leading to the formation of stones. If you suffered from calcium stones , you should pay special attention to whether the excessive intake of protein, especially if you had too much uric acid or cystine stones records. Limit foods to eat 180 grams of protein a day, which includes meat, cheese, chicken and fish .

Eat less salt

If you have calcium stones should reduce salt intake. Your daily salt intake should be reduced to 2-3 grams.

Avoid L- cystine

If you have a medical history of kidney stones or are currently suffering from kidney stones. Blood avoid L- cystine . The accumulation of this amino acid crystals in the kidney may produce large stones, blockage of the kidney .

Limit the amount of vitamin c

If you're prone to the formation of calcium oxalate stones , you should limit the amount of vitamin c . More than 3-4 grams a day may increase the manufacture of oxalic acid , thus increasing the chance of stones. Do intake of high potency vitamin c supplements.

Do not take too much vitamin D

Excess vitamin D may lead to the accumulation of calcareous parts of the body . Daily intake of vitamin D is best not to exceed RDA set by 400IU.

Check your stomach

Some common antacids containing high amounts of calcium . If you are suffering from calcium stones , but you are also taking antacids should check the ingredients of this medicine instructions to determine whether or not containing calcium . If it contains calcium , you should switch to another drug.

