
Eight factors concern the prevention of diabetic nephropathy

1, more water, keeping daily water intake and urine output is about 1500 ~ 2000ml.
2, appropriate restrictions potassium and protein intake. Should control potassium drinks, fruit potassium intake. Protein should be controlled at 0.6 kg per day to 0.8 grams, and in digestible fish, lean meat better.
3, salt intake should be limited. People with diabetes should be as lighter dishes, salt intake should be less than 6 grams per day.
4, strict control of blood sugar. The key one is severely restricted calorie intake, and second, adhere to good blood glucose control and the third is to avoid the emotional and infection cause blood sugar fluctuations variety of factors.
5, the strict control of blood pressure, try to keep blood pressure control in 130/80mmHg or less.
6, to avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs.
7, adequate intake of vitamins, trace elements. Especially vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc, calcium, iron, etc., has a protective effect on the kidneys.
8, no smoking, smoking is an important factor aggravating diabetic nephropathy.

