
What will the impact on human health of kidney stones?

What is the cause of kidney stones is it?

1, less the amount of potable water, enough to replenish the body needs water every day, many people often fail, resulting in the occurrence of kidney stones.

2, excess nutrients that the body absorb protein and other substances likely to cause kidney stones.

3, the food is too unitary, and often eat a food friend, likely to cause kidney stones.

Timely treatment can reduce the harm to human health of kidney stones

1, causing a urinary tract is not smooth. If not treated kidney stones can cause urinary tract cavity is not clear, stagnant water, causing urinary tract is not smooth.

2, some local damage. Some small, thin stone, there is not much to local tissue damage, but large angular stones will cause great harm to the local organization can.

3, the impact of kidney function. Stones are not effectively treated, there will be severely affected kidney function.

