
Kidney - a common disease caused by uremia

1 , chronic glomerulonephritis : glomerular lesions due to the continuous long-term damage to the kidneys gradually lose that function . Late nephritis is the most common reason of uremia .
2 , interstitial nephritis : such as chronic pyelonephritis , recurrent bacterial infections resulting in renal fibrosis atrophy , loss of kidney function.
3 , high blood pressure : long-term hypertension, impaired kidney glomerular sclerosis , renal damage , eventually leading to kidney failure .
4 , secondary to systemic diseases : common uremia such as lupus nephritis caused .
5 , metabolic diseases : such as diabetes, end stage renal disease , due to renal arteriosclerosis , progressive glomerular basement membrane thickening of the glomerular filtration function . Stage renal disease can also cause gout uremia .
6 , chronic urinary tract obstruction : If normal prostatic hypertrophy can not be excreted in the urine , resulting in double hydronephrosis, if left untreated will ultimately result in impaired renal function uremia .
7 , congenital diseases : such as polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease , the different sides of the degree of renal function is replaced by the bladders many did not , the condition is deteriorating with age , some patients become twenties that uremic disease , the majority in the 40-50 years after the development of uremia stage.

