
Six melon recipes treatment of chronic nephritis

Treatment of chronic nephritis , should start from the diet , including melon has a very significant effect in the treatment of chronic nephritis.

First, melon bean soup

Winter bean soup , hot weather with heat diuretic effect, generally applicable to block urination wet summer caused the patient to eat , which can be used melon, green beans , soup, ginger , scallion made ​​for chronic nephritis treatment has a very important role.

Second, the winter melon soup spinach

Melon spinach soup with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect for women during pregnancy edema patients , generally using melon , spinach , lamb, ginger , onion is made for regulating the body's secretion of patients with chronic nephritis has many relationship.

Third, melon white duck meat soup

White duck meat melon soup , generally used for heat boredom , diabetes and other symptoms of the crowd , the person can also be used to physically weak after the illness , through the use of pig meat, melon ( not peeled ) , lotus leaf, cucumber made for patients with chronic nephritis enhanced physique have a great relationship .

Fourth, melon white fungus soup

Melon white fungus soup , with a heat fluid, swelling of the diuretic effect, suitable for high blood pressure , heart disease , nephritis edema in patients taking . Generally be applied melon, white fungus is made , for the treatment of patients with chronic nephritis have a significant effect.

Fifth, melon juice

Production of melon juice , just remove the skin , cut into small pieces , put the juice machine can be easily completed . There are stocks making good melon juice fresh taste , if you like a little sweet taste, you can add a juice with other fruit . Detoxification effect.

Sixth, melon soup

Melon soup , suitable for hot bored , edema , Hyperactivity cough and other symptoms , can play the role of heat diuretic , commonly used melon, rice is made , so you can treat chronic nephritis has a very important role.

