
What are the causes of kidney disease ? Details

Common cause of kidney disease caused by the following:

Cause one , some systemic diseases : for example glomerulosclerosis , myxedema , diabetic nephropathy, macroglobulinemia , renal amyloidosis , and so on .

Second cause some autoimmune diseases: nephrotic syndrome due to the probability of allergic purpura, and systemic lupus erythematosus is caused by very high . There is nodosa , systemic scleroderma, dermatomyositis , etc. This part of the kidney treatment and prognosis is good or bad depends on the extent of the primary disease and kidney damage management .

Cause of three infectious diseases: such as bacterial infections, including : Staphylococcus aureus septicemia , bacterial endocarditis , typhoid fever, osteomyelitis , tuberculosis or leprosy, typhus , etc. ; viruses including : hepatitis B , hepatitis C , chickenpox or herpes zoster , parasites ( malaria ) and the like.

Etiology four , allergy symptoms: such as pollen , drugs, polio vaccines, serum sickness, allergies , etc. can be used as a source to make the kidney nephrotic syndrome .

Cause five , poisons , toxins: Some drugs such as probenecid, penicillamine , trimethadione , and some pesticides, gold, mercury , bismuth , phenols, venom has kidney poisoning can occur nephrotic syndrome.

Etiology six , mechanical factors such as renal vein thrombosis, renal artery stenosis, inferior vena cava resistance, plugs , congestive heart failure , chronic constrictive pericarditis and pregnancy kidney disease.

Etiology seven hereditary disease : such as hereditary nephritis , hereditary kidney disease, and spherocytosis psychosis.

