
Diabetic nephropathy dietary salt restriction fat

Focusing on diabetic nephropathy early diagnosis and treatment . Once diagnosed , in addition to necessary medical treatment, it is important that the diet should pay attention to conditioning . This not only helps to reduce the burden on the kidneys , beneficial to control the disease and rehabilitation , but also alleviate the medication for too long and cause further damage to the kidneys .
Its diet mainly the following points:
1 for controlling a plant protein intake . Due to diabetes control carbohydrate intake , often with plant proteins as nutritional supplements. Plant protein because it contains large amounts of purine bases, excessive intake will increase the burden on the kidneys , it should be limited to soybeans, mung beans, soy milk and other high-protein foods for human consumption, can be replaced with fish, shrimp, sea cucumber , and lean meat .

2 . Limit fat . When kidney disease occurs , should limit intake of fat, because fat can cause arteriosclerosis exacerbated renal arteriosclerosis kidney disease itself is the performance . Can use vegetable oil instead of animal fats, vegetable daily intake should be controlled at 60-70 grams .
3 . Limit high-purine foods. A lot of purine metabolism in the body will increase the burden on the kidneys. Celery , spinach, peanuts, chicken , all kinds of broth, pig meat , sardines and animal offal and so rich in purine, should be strictly limited to food. Lean meat also contains purines, can be first in the consumption of meat in the water to cook , disposable soup consumption.
4 Eat less salt , eat eggs. In case of edema and hypertension kidney disease , you should limit the amount of salt , the general day to 2-4 grams of salt intake is appropriate . Egg proteins in the metabolic process will produce more uric acid . When renal function is impaired, make the end product of nitrogen accumulation in vivo heavier burden on the kidneys , so when there is renal insufficiency should not eat .

