
Renal hypertension - classification and treatment

Includes two hypertensive renal hypertension and renal vascular hypertension, renal parenchymal, a variety of opportunities for high blood pressure kidney disease caused by the nature of their disease, the impact on renal function, resulting in the degree of renal ischemia related. Generally less glomerulonephritis, lupus kidney disease and other congenital renal hypoplasia wider, may be associated with vascular disease or renal ischemia, it is often hypertension, and kidney stones and pyelonephritis cause secondary hypertension opportunities .
In addition, renal hypertension and renal function status. Blood pressure tends to rise with renal dysfunction, renal failure late more than 80% with hypertension.
Great harm to renal hypertension, should actively care and treatment. In the treatment of blood pressure at the same time, you should pay attention to the protection of renal function, it is appropriate not affect or increase renal blood flow of drugs on renal blood flow, in order to avoid some of the drugs on renal function causing more damage.

