
Strict control of blood sugar is key to preventing diabetic nephropathy

If we can control the glycemic index , such as diabetics can long survive. But the latest research shows that if the merger kidney damage, the risk of death in diabetic patients will be significantly increased. Therefore, strict control of blood sugar in diabetic patients is the key to whether the long-term survival.
The relationship between the kidneys and blood glucose
Liver and kidney in the occurrence and development of diabetes is extremely important position in the process . First, the liver and kidney are important sites of carbohydrate metabolism , particularly in the liver , both a wide variety of enzymes , but also the role of the hormone insulin and many places where it is the sugar processing, utilization , sugar, fat and conversion of protein is also here , and secondly, the liver and kidney are places carbohydrate storage and release of the body of excess sugar in the form of glycogen here or kidney glycogen to be stored , but also when needed into glucose to supplement blood sugar. When the liver and kidneys stored carbohydrate is not enough, they also use fat or protein to make glucose , in order to maintain a stable blood sugar ; Third , the excess sugar is excreted in the kidneys channel , when blood sugar rises, as long as the normal renal function , by urination can discharge excess sugar , blood sugar will not be too high. So, stabilize blood sugar is inseparable from normal liver and kidney function . Conversely, long-term control of blood glucose in diabetic patients is poor , it will also affect the structure and function of the liver and kidneys.
Strict control of blood sugar is key to preventing diabetic nephropathy
It is known that diabetes is a chronic blood glucose ( referred to as hyperglycemia) increased levels of metabolic diseases characterized by the group . The treatment is mainly through diet control, exercise therapy, blood glucose monitoring , medication and blood glucose control in diabetes education standard range to correct metabolic disorders, eliminate the symptoms of diabetes and its related problems , prevent or delay the onset of complications. Diabetic nephropathy generally refers diabetic glomerulosclerosis, chronic renal complications of diabetes. Initial symptoms of diabetic nephropathy manifested as proteinuria , edema , hypertension or azotemia , and fasting hyperglycemia or diabetes symptoms. According to experts, the early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy patients, good control of blood glucose , and early treatment for the repair of damaged kidney is extremely critical. Treatment of diabetic nephropathy and diabetes have their similarities , that regulate blood sugar , blood pressure , etc., but the treatment of diabetic nephropathy is more complex , if not treated properly, can greatly delay the arrival of decline in renal function , or will soon enter the chronic kidney failure.
In addition, diabetes is a lifelong, can affect various body organs and tissue diseases , good habits , living, eating in moderation , fat -sugar -salt diet should , work and rest moderate glycemic control is also very important.

