
Prevention of diabetic nephropathy should be noted that there are three sports hypoglycemic stress

Prevention of diabetic nephropathy first thing to understand is that this is a complication of diabetes , and therefore worsen diabetes control is critical . Prevention of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic patients during treatment has been of concern content , can not be ignored .
1 , glucose control in diabetic nephropathy prevention to lose important. Persistently elevated blood sugar , cholesterol induces fat metabolism, promoting the glomeruli. Intimal thickening of capillary sclerosis kidney degeneration , so loss of normal function. One key to controlling blood sugar restricted calorie intake , and second, insist on taking hypoglycemic drugs , the king is to avoid the emotional , infection can cause a variety of factors , such as fluctuations in blood sugar .
2 , one appropriate restrictions also prevent diabetic nephropathy points potassium and protein intake. Because diabetic nephropathy prone to acidosis and hyperkalemia , once there, to induce cardiac arrhythmias and hepatic coma , therefore , should control potassium drinks, fruit potassium c protein intake should be controlled at 0.6 kg per day 0.8 g , and in digestible fish, lean meat is better, because the plant protein is not easily absorbed , will increase the burden on the kidneys . In addition, the protein in high potassium , protein intake control to some extent, but also conducive to limit potassium.
3 , also pay attention to the prevention of diabetic nephropathy salt intake should be limited . In order to protect the kidneys , reducing its workload , people with diabetes should be as tasteless dishes some salt intake should be less than 700 grams per day , you should also limit the intake of water during severe renal failure.
Sports hypoglycemic medication should take the time to center
Out movement , many diabetics like Batui , very casual . In fact, this is more dangerous , because the movement in taking the time to listen , diabetics may wish to design a timetable for taking the time to center, then arrange sports and other live , so to prevent the risk of the occurrence of hypoglycemia and so on.
In general , patients taking hypoglycemic agents can begin activities around one hour after the meal , because exercise can lower blood sugar after a meal one hour antidiabetic drugs "power" has started to diminish , thus avoiding hypoglycemic effect of superposition , reducing the probability of the occurrence of hypoglycemia . Some patients with insulin injections in the limbs , if the movement immediately after the injection , it will speed up the absorption of insulin , it is easy to hypoglycemia . For did not eat hypoglycemic drugs , mild diabetes , we must adjust blood sugar through lifestyle changes , you can choose fasting exercise, exercise time naturally free to some .
It should be noted that diabetic patients do not participate in the activities of a large amount of exercise . Because, excessive exercise , or short intense exercise causes the body's stress response , leading to confrontation insulin action , such as an increase in catecholamine hormones , causing blood sugar, and even induce diabetic ketoacidosis, not only can lower blood sugar , but to control diabetes disadvantage. Of course , people with diabetes exercise is the best way to aerobic exercise , such as running, swimming , playing, hiking, dancing , etc., and the elderly with severe and chronic complications , such as heart, kidney failure , severe retinopathy, lower limbs vascular disease , patients with severe hypertension , you can choose a walk , etc. .

