
Winter drink less easy to get kidney stones

1 , urine

Urine tests, including pH, relative density ( specific gravity ) , red blood cells, pus , protein , sugar, crystal and so on. Low urinary pH , often prompts a certain type of stones: calcium phosphate, carbonate apatite stones in urinary pH in patients often higher than 7.0 ; while urinary pH uric acid , cystine and calcium oxalate stone patients often less than 5.5 .

Meanwhile , urine visible microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. However, 15% of patients without hematuria. In non-infectious stones , may have mild pyuria . Urinary stones can be found in the urine of patients with hematuria , urine and pus and other crystals .

2 , blood

When patients coinfected heavier , more pus in the urine occurs , you need to do blood tests , showing leukocytes and neutrophils increased.

3, X -ray examination

X -ray examination is an important method of diagnosis of renal and ureteral stones , including KUB , excretory urography , retrograde pyelography , or for percutaneous angiography . More than about 95% of urinary calculi in the X -ray imaging, to determine the treatment and post- treatment of stones the size and number of parts and contrast has an important value.

4, B -ultrasound

It can be seen with or without hydronephrosis, also can be seen not high calcium stones, its not clear when the X-rays , but can be seen with a B- .

According to doctors, with a drink or to drink beer instead of a very unscientific , beer after the body absorb broken down into uric acid, high people often drink beer uric acid concentration , easy to get kidney stones. This population but also to regular inspection, consult a physician scientific methods of prevention , disease if found , to early treatment.

