
Kidney stones harm to people what?

We always find some diseases in life , especially kidney stones disease, seriously endanger our health , not just a lot of elderly patients with kidney stones in men infected , some young male friends are being swallowed by the disease , harm to patients is not simply a pain , some serious cases will endanger their lives and safety , then the kidney stones are harmful to men what is common in patients with physical harm what ?

Most kidney stones are more patient in the examination unintentional discovery. Because small, part of the sand-like stones , the majority of patients are asymptomatic, so easily overlooked . If early kidney stones are not seriously, lose the best timing of treatment, eventually there will be waist pain , hematuria , obstruction, urinary tract infection, renal atrophy , renal failure and uremia. Time these situations arise merger , depending on the severity of the size of the stones , shape , location and infection and other factors .

Kidney stones harm to people what ?

Obstruction : When kidney stones fall into the ureter stenosis , can cause partial or relative obstruction , leading to urinary water, and even extend the renal pelvis and cause pain , difficulty urinating, a sudden interruption of urination , urine retention and other symptoms.

Hematuria : hematuria often seen after various physical activities. Divided into gross hematuria hematuria , which can be observed visually urine was red ; microscopic hematuria , that we can not see the color change , can only be observed through the microscope of red blood cells in the urine . Therefore, found that when patients with gout microscopic urine tests when there are more red blood cells , to check whether there are stones exist.

Waist pain : kidney stones in patients with a longer lifetime , about half of them will be back , abdominal pain. Light is pain, pain , dull pain and other symptoms ; severe paroxysmal was violently intermittent colic, and some such as knife-like pain , mostly associated with the ipsilateral inguinal and perineal radiation , a small number of patients with contralateral simultaneously reflex pain, pain over the ipsilateral light .

Severe pain , patients often groans more than, restless , nausea, vomiting , pale , sweating , blood pressure, showed collapse or shock state. A small number of patients with pain and relieve itself after a few hours , most people need to use antispasmodic , analgesic drugs to terminate. Such as stones falling into the bladder , in addition to pain, there will be urgency, frequent urination stones irritation.

Kidney substantial damages: such as kidney stones cause hydronephrosis too long to urinate blocked, obstruction or more parts to withstand pressure, renal blood flow , can occur in renal tubular degeneration, necrosis, renal atrophy smaller decline in renal function or relative failure.

Urinary tract infections : urinary tract infections occur in merger stones or calculi secondary infections after surgery , more common in the urethra and bladder inflammation , may also occur in the renal pelvis around .

