
Kidney Treatment Categories

( A ) deficiency
1 , kidney qi
Machine Summary of disease: excessive strain , chronic illness dystrophy , resulting kidney loss , losing possession astringent closure of the post .
The main pulse card : pale, weak waist , hearing loss , frequent urination and clear , or urine after more than Lek , rather then urinary incontinence, or nocturia, man spermatorrhea , premature ejaculation , vaginal discharge A thin woman , pale , thin white fur, weak pulse .
Treatment: kidney astringent .
2 , kidney qi
Machine Summary of disease: workers injured kidney , or chronic illness Qi, gas does not return element, kidney failure sodium intake .
The main pulse card : Short asthma reverse , moving the Yi Shen , Xingshou Shenpi , severe breathing intensifies, sweat dripping , cold extremities face blue , floating pulse no big roots.
Treatment: kidney qi .
3 , kidney appetite
Machine Summary of disease: weak endowments , long illness , injury or fatigue kidneys, roadway loss , Vital Huoshuai .
The main pulse card : pale or swarthy , aversion to cold , weak waist Leng Tong , listlessness , male impotence infertility , female infertility, uterine cold , or stool leakage than long , end grain is not based, or Diarrhoea .
Treatment: Warming yang ,
4 , kidney water pan
Pathogenesis summary: endowment hormone deficiency , chronic illness dystrophy, kidney loss , not the temperature of liquid water , water flooding and Shangni evil , or spillover skin.
The main pulse card : whole body edema, below the waist staggering , urine deficient , or Keni on gas , phlegm and thin , asthma is very dynamic , pale tongue, white , thin pulse or heavy string.
Treatment: Wenyang water .
( Two ) and kidney
1 , yin deficiency
Machine Summary of disease: after intercourse festival, exerting excessive or chronic illness , really overcast Haoshang .
The main pulse card : body weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness , insomnia , backache petrified , mouth and throat noise , red tongue , thready pulse.
Treatment: nourish yin .
2 wang
Machine Summary of disease: After overstrain , Hao Shang yin, or fever, Yin Jin Hao Shang , Yin raw heat , fire, water loss is floating .
The main pulse card : zygomatic red lips , hot flashes , night sweats, lumbar pain, insomnia imaginary trouble , Yang Xing nocturnal emissions , dry mouth, sore throat, short yellow urine , less constipation, red tongue , rapid pulse.
Treatment: nourishing yin .

