
Renal cysts food therapy diet should pay attention to three points

1 , food taboos

Note that the class does not eat salty (including pickled ) , do not eat spicy category (including pepper , wine , shrimp , crab , etc. ) , contaminated eat ( including spoiled , leftovers , etc. ) , eat barbecue , and the occurrence of renal insufficiency or uremia should also pay attention to eat beans and their products , limiting animal protein foods , greasy foods and so on.

2 , the water intake

The incidence of kidney disease due to a variety of different , different course , treatment is not the same . In mild renal failure due to kidney function decline was concentrated , metabolites to need more moisture from the kidneys , therefore , no significant kidney disease such as edema , heart failure, high blood pressure , should not blindly water restrictions . Reminded that those patients with chronic renal failure , renal failure do not think you have to strictly limit the water , if too much water restrictions easy to increase the anti- deterioration of renal function .

3 , salt intake

Control of salt , according to the patient's condition and the degree of renal function adjustment , not all patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt .

4 , pay attention to rest

Avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma , kidney enlargement is more obvious when it is appropriate to replace the belt strap in order to avoid cyst rupture ; General to review the first six months (including blood , urine, renal function and B- ) ; avoid all nephrotoxic drugs ; relatives ( parents, siblings and children ) for the B -ultrasound .

5 , about nutrition

Yi Shi renal cysts in patients with high -quality protein foods, pay attention to high- fiber, high cellulose and low-fat food supplements , proper sugar diet.

6 , not a partial eclipse

Whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits , cattle, sheep, pig meat , eggs , milk , fish etc. edible.

Daily habits affect patients suffering from kidney disease cyst great . Poor eating habits often lead to renal cysts sicker patients , symptoms appear more performance , making their treatment lose value . In patients with renal cysts grasp how diet, three "no" renal cysts dietary needs special attention -

1 , renal cysts diet section

The amount of food a patient with renal cysts are required , are eating too much or too little adverse physical rehabilitation . If hunger is undernourished ; fullness is easy to hurt the stomach digestion , absorption and blood circulation disorders ; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia is easy to heat .

2 , renal cysts eating unclean

Renal cysts eating unclean , light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease , severe poisoning or even life-threatening.

3 , renal cysts diet uneven

Renal cyst patients, such as eating more cold cold , then easily hurt the stomach yang , eat hot Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal accumulated heat , then there Gomi partial addicted persists, easily hurt organs.

