
Anti kidney urine at least once a year to check

Kidney problems first by an abnormal urine
If the urine bubble suddenly become much, do not disappear , indicating more protein excretion in the urine ; If abnormal urine color , was tea -colored , soy sauce , such as color or turbidity when the rice water , should pay attention to the hospital as soon as possible inspection.

The best way is to ferret out kidney urine
Generally no exceptions , most people regularly check once a year urine . Cardiovascular disease , chronic anemia who are older and often bone headaches , easy fractures person, after repeated infections large doses of antibiotics , should be checked every six months . If there is no family history of high blood pressure at a young age , but also a number of mind. Because high blood pressure may be suffering from kidney disease when young , and one of the typical characteristics of early . Frequent backache , eyelids, dorsum of the foot , ankle and even edema, anemia , or it may indicate kidney dysfunction.
Induced chronic kidney disease for many reasons, respiratory or urinary tract infections, unhealthy lifestyles , are "murderer ." In addition, drug-induced renal injury should pay attention to. Do not forget to drink a large glass of water after taking the drug , which is also a good way to protect the kidneys .

