
Men suffering from kidney stones need to pay attention to what?

The formation of kidney stones body great harm to people , so it appears timely and effective treatment is very important , while patients on their treatment of the disease , what should pay attention to what the problem , it is the patient 's friends should know .

Kidney stones are due to the body colloids and crystal -induced metabolic imbalance , and infection, nutritional and metabolic disorders, urinary tract foreign bodies, urinary stasis and geography and climate and other factors. Men than women prone to this disease. Over 30 years of age this disease more than younger people . The disease is rare in children . Urinary stones are common urinary system , including kidney stones, ureteral stones , urinary stones and bladder stones. Kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate chemicals , can cause renal colic.

Men suffering from kidney stones need to pay attention to what ?

1, to reduce the intake of oxalic acid : spinach, tea and other foods containing oxalic acid to reduce consumption.

2 , reducing sodium intake : Eat light , canned and processed foods as much as possible to reduce consumption. Eat more foods containing potassium , such as bananas and other food.

3 , reducing meat intake : reduce animal protein intake , may reduce the chances of forming kidney stones.

4 , increasing calcium intake : Many people have questions about why kidney stones are calcium in calcium but to eat because according to the study , would be adequate calcium and oxalate , and feces , thus reducing calcium ? substance is absorbed in the intestine , of course, will reduce the chance of stones produced . So drink milk and will not increase the stones, but help reduce the chance of stones.

5 , multi- sport drink plenty of water : Drink plenty of water in the urine salts can speed up the metabolism , so drink at least 3000C.C water. More exercise can reduce calcium loss , thereby reducing the generation of stones .

If its related symptoms appear discovery , should be treated as soon as possible to a regular hospital , grasp the best time for treatment .

