
Kidney Care and Prevention

First, the control diet, avoid excessive intake of acidic substances , increased acidic. Acid-base balance of the diet for the treatment and prevention of complications of the disease is a very important aspect. Diet should eat foods rich in organic active alkali plant foods , eat less meat , eat more vegetables. Qiama rich in plant organic active alkali , acid poisoning can quickly rid the body , to clarify the urine acid poisoning , which really protect the kidneys.
The second is to participate in aerobic exercise, proper exercise, exercise more and more in the sun sweating helps rid the body of excess acid , thus preventing the disease from occurring.
Third, to maintain a good mood , do not have too much psychological pressure , the pressure will cause excessive deposition of acidic substances , affecting normal metabolism. Appropriate to regulate mood and stress can keep themselves weakly alkaline , thereby preventing the disease from occurring.
Fourth, life to the law , irregular habits of people, such as the night singing karaoke OK, playing mahjong, night out and other living without the law , will increase the acidic . Likely to suffer from diabetes. Should develop good habits, so as to maintain alkaline constitution , so far from their disease .
Fifth , away from tobacco and alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol are typically acidic foods, smoking, drinking, unbridled , can easily lead to acidification of the body , so that the disease can take advantage of .
Sixth, do not eat contaminated food , such as contaminated water , crops, poultry, fish balls , etc., eat some organic foods , to prevent the disease from the mouth.
Seventh, patients with the disease should be forbidden sexual intercourse , is still banned from six months to a year , such as the specific situation is not clear , be sure to ask the doctor and the doctor promptly even after cure.

