
Renal hypertension - differential diagnosis

To diagnosed with renal hypertension need the following diseases:
(1) Endocrine Hypertension: Endocrine disorders in Cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytoma, primary aldosteronism, have hypertension and hyperthyroidism, such as menopause. But generally corresponding diagnosis based on history, clinical presentation and specific endocrine endocrine tests to check.
(2) disease: congenital coarctation of the aorta, Takayasu go far can cause high blood pressure. According upper and lower limbs are not parallel and pulseless blood disorders to be identified.
(3) intracranial disease: Some encephalitis or tumor, intracranial hypertension, such as high blood pressure often occur. These patients often more prominent neurological symptoms, through a detailed examination of the nervous system can confirm the diagnosis.
(4) Other secondary hypertension: as toxemia of pregnancy, and some rare diseases can occur with hypertension, such as renin secretion aneurysm.
(5) essential hypertension: late age of onset, may have a family history, after the exclusion of secondary hypertension diagnosis can be made.

