
Renal insufficiency in patients with dietary considerations are there?

Renal insufficiency dietary health

1 , to ensure adequate calories eating polysaccharides, multi- vitamin , low-protein , no salt or low-salt foods. Common foods: rice, noodles , vermicelli , arrowroot flour . Glucose can also be consumed in different ways honey , fruit juice , fructose , sucrose and the like. How do renal insufficiency diet health ?

2 , choose quality protein food supplement milk, eggs , fish , poultry, lean meat and other foods, can ensure the supply of essential amino acids , but also reduce the accumulation of body waste.

3, a comprehensive vitamin supplement a lot of vitamins , helps promote the metabolism of toxins. Patients can choose rich in B vitamins and vitamin c, vitamin E , potassium and phosphorus and low in fruits and vegetables , such as cabbage, celery , spinach , cabbage , grapes , watermelon , tomatoes and so on.

4, the control of early moisture without edema , urine output should drink more water and more , in order to facilitate the discharge of protein metabolites such as urea . Late edema, urine output is low, should , where appropriate, to reduce the daily excretion avoid aggravating edema. How do renal insufficiency diet health ?

5 , limit intake of minerals sodium, potassium, magnesium and other patients should not eat pickles, seafood , pickles and other foods with high sodium in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys . . Renal insufficiency may occur late in vivo retention of potassium , and too much potassium can cause cardiac arrest , the patient should avoid eating foods rich in potassium such as bananas , wheat, soy powder. In addition , renal insufficiency often have magnesium retention in the body , so patients should eat foods rich in magnesium , such as beans, nuts , whole grains , dark green leafy vegetables, chocolate and so on.

