
How timely detection of diabetic nephropathy

When patients with diabetic nephropathy pregnancy, as with hypertension, coronary artery disease, renal dysfunction or proliferative retinopathy, you should consider terminating the pregnancy. If allowed to continue the pregnancy, the patient should be in a high-risk patient examination and follow-up, 28 weeks pregnant before, once a month; check every two weeks after the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. In each case as glucose, ketones, urine protein and blood pressure and weight measurement, if the following conditions should consider terminating the pregnancy.
Pregnant women need to diabetic nephropathy when termination of pregnancy
1, pregnant women with diabetes can not effectively control its progress by timely treatment.
2, while the occurrence of severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, polyhydramnios, retinal arteriosclerosis and severe liver and kidney dysfunction.
3, combined eclampsia and high blood sugar ketoacidosis.
4, combined hypoglycemic coma longer, endangering the safety of mother and child.
5, intrauterine growth stagnation and fetal malformation.
6, the mother suffering from malnutrition, arteriosclerotic heart disease and malignant progression of proliferative retinopathy.
7, pregnant women with severe respiratory tract, skin and urinary tract infections.

