
Control diet for the treatment of patients with diabetic nephropathy is very important, and diabetic nephropathy diet also taking into treatment needs of both diabetes and kidney disease , and therefore should follow the principles of diet therapy , namely high-quality low-protein diet, eating regular meals , salt restriction limit water.
1 , high-quality low-protein diet : How much protein intake in diabetic patients with kidney disease , patients with serum creatinine levels should refer to and endogenous creatinine clearance rate decision. The higher serum creatinine levels , the lower the endogenous creatinine clearance rate , the more stringent control of protein intake . Should minimize the intake of plant proteins , plant protein because it contains non-essential amino acids, the protein is inferior , in general should Eat soy products can be properly restricted staples such as flour , rice , because there is a certain amount of staple vegetable protein may appropriate to add milk, eggs , fish, lean meat and other animal protein , especially milk, egg protein is appropriate.
2 , eating regular meals : meals in diabetic nephropathy patients may or four meals , breakfast meals heat distribution is 1/5, lunch, dinner each 2 / 5. Four heat distribution for the breakfast meal 1/7 , and the remaining three meals each 2/7 .
3 , limit salt water restrictions : when patients edema or hypertension , we should restrict salt intake per day should not exceed 3 grams of water intake should be the correct day before urine output plus 300 ml to 500 ml , maintaining a substantially constant weight .
In addition, patients with diabetic nephropathy but also high-fiber diet , low

