
Treatment of kidney stones diet melon

Four square melon diet kidney stone treatment

First, melon bean soup

Melon, green beans , soup, ginger, scallion, salt . Wash the aluminum pan will stir , pour boiling soup , fishing net foam ; ginger Wash film break to put pot, onions rolled into a knot to the roots washed wok , green beans washing clean , remove floating on the water Yuba , and then into the pot stew ; melon , peeled , to the flesh , washed, cut into the pot , simmer until cooked soft but not bad , add a little salt and serve immediately.

This soup is clear taste of pure , refreshing and delicious, hot weather heat diuretic effect. Urine applied to wet summer caused adverse arrest or yellow urine and less . Thirst, upset, or swelling, burning pain or urinary tract infections .

Second, the winter melon soup spinach

Melon, spinach , lamb, ginger , onion amount. First melon, peeled , flesh , cut into the box , choose a good wash spinach , cut into 4 cm long segments , sliced ​​lamb , sliced ​​ginger , green onions and cut into sections ; then set fire to the frying pan , oil pan , who voted green onion, sheep meat and stir-fry , then add onion, ginger , spinach, melon pieces , toss, add soup , boil for about 10 minutes , add salt , soy sauce, monosodium glutamate , and finally into the wet starch juice mix well and serve. The soups taste delicious with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect for women with gestational edema , body obesity eat.

Third, melon white duck meat soup

White duck , pork , melon ( not peeled ) , lotus leaf , cucumber , salt, monosodium glutamate. In addition to the hair will be white duck intestinal mixed , washed, clean cut melon , pork slices . The whole white duck with cucumber , lotus leaf with the release of the casserole, add water, boil and then into the melon, meat , duck meat and cook until Shulan , transferred to salt, MSG can . Single food or adorned , meat soup . With the spleen and stomach , nourishing Qingshu effect. For heat bored, Diabetes embolism , can also be used after the illness physically weak person .

Fourth, melon white fungus soup

Melon , white fungus . First melon, peeled , flesh , cut into pieces ; fungus bubble hair, wash ; pot put fueled pan, pour the melon stir fry for a moment , add soup , salt , till the melon will be cooked , add white fungus , MSG , rice wine and mix thoroughly Serve. This soup has a heat fluid, swelling of the diuretic effect, suitable for high blood pressure , heart disease , nephritis edema in patients taking .

