
Acute nephritis and the diseases easily confused

Early acute nephritis easily confused with the following diseases , should attract attention.

( 1 ) febrile proteinuria may occur in any febrile illness . During the heat can be detected in urine protein and casts, but very few red blood cells , and no edema and hypertension. Heat back , urinary abnormalities rapid recovery.

( 2 ) infection of any cause abnormal urinary infection , such as bacteria , viruses, especially during the beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection , about 1/ 3 of patients may have mild microscopic hematuria , urinary protein and a small tube, but no edema and hypertension , when the infection control , urinalysis returned to normal .

( 3 ) focal glomerulonephritis generally occurs during infection ( acute nephritis occurs about two weeks after infection ) ; focal nephritis with hematuria , proteinuria is very light ; infection cure , the patient urinalysis recovery normal , good prognosis. With only mild acute nephritis, urinary changes , without edema and hypertension similar.

(4 ) abnormal urine after exercise vigorous exercise ( such as running, swimming, rapid march ...... ) or overworked, urinary abnormalities can occur within hours - hematuria , proteinuria, and even urinary tube , but the rest 1-2 days ( no later than 7 days ) returned to normal . In the event of abnormal urine while no edema and hypertension ( high blood pressure individuals may have temporarily ) .

( 5 ) kidney damage caused by lupus nephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus , and sometimes behave like acute nephritis, often accompanied by a rash, alopecia , photosensitivity, joint pain and heart, liver, lung, brain and other organs of the disease , and more than a fever, leukopenia , testing anti- SM antibodies or DNA antibodies and antinuclear antibodies .

( 6 ) toxemia of pregnancy occurs in late pregnancy , patients with edema , hypertension , proteinuria, and tubular urine , severe hypertensive encephalopathy can occur , especially during the last months of pregnancy symptoms more pronounced. But the lack of hematuria is its main feature, and most normal renal function , fundus retinal artery spasm visible , bleeding , oozing and other changes, most patients return to normal after childbirth .

( 7 ) primary nephrotic syndrome associated with acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and kidney disease are easy to confuse . The latter proteinuria (≥ 3.5 g / day ) and is characterized by hypoproteinemia , no hematuria , former hematuria , no more hypoalbuminemia, identification of key points of renal pathology examination , the former diffuse capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis , which can form tiny lesions or other pathological changes of chronic glomerular damage .

( 8 ) acute pyelonephritis acute nephritis if the urethra, bladder mucosa and kidney congestion and edema can cause bladder irritation , similar acute pyelonephritis occur. But pyelonephritis with fever, hematuria , white blood cells were increased urine bacterial culture positive , antibiotic treatment is effective , and no edema , hypertension and other symptoms , and no red blood cells in the urine tube .

