
Symptomatic treatment of kidney stones four diet therapy

We all know that many causes of kidney stones , there are genetic factors , metabolic factors , infectious factors, environmental factors , dietary factors , anatomical factors , drug factors , and so on . Its pathogenesis is very complex. We can understand the components of urine, a brief formation of kidney stones . The main effect of voiding the discharge of wastes generated by metabolism . People discharged approximately 1500ml urine a day, took about 30 grams -50 grams of waste . These wastes include : urea, uric acid, creatinine, various acidic substances ( hydrogen ions , lactic acid, glucuronic acid , β- hydroxybutyric acid , oxalic acid , citric acid, etc. ) , various salts ( calcium, phosphorus , magnesium, potassium, sodium, ammonium , chloride, etc. ) . Higher concentrations of these substances in the urine , but the human kidney can maintain the balance of these substances , excreted in a dissolved state . If the urine is too small , then the solubility of these substances in smaller calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, magnesium ammonium phosphate and other substances will form crystals - is tiny stones. Typically people will be discharged unknowingly these tiny stones. Reasons for the formation of these stones is to change some of the ingredients of the urine , breaking the balance of urine, first forming tiny stones, pathogenic factors in the long-term effects , crystallinity continue to grow and eventually develop into a clinically meaningful kidney stones.
But most parents are worried that their children grow up faster because of inadequate calcium intake , resulting in rickets , bald , etc., not only regularly eat calcium , drink calcium oral solution, in order to promote calcium absorption , and even overdose cod liver oil, which could prompt kidney stone formation , in addition to diseases, nutritional problems , excessive calcium and taking cod liver oil may also cause kidney stones in infants .
Red bean porridge assisted treatment of kidney stones
Take rice, red bean 50 grams , 2 grams powdered Gallus gallus . Rice, red bean porridge with water , mix flour Gallus gallus cooked , add the amount of sugar . Taken twice daily.
Oujie melon soup assisted treatment of kidney stones
Acceptance Oujie 500 grams , 1,000 grams of melon , slices, add water soup taking one day served.
Rock sugar walnut assisted treatment of kidney stones

Take 120 grams of crystal sugar , fragrant fried walnuts 120 grams of research to fine , each serving 60 grams a day for four times, water delivery , can soften stones.
Walnut sugar cakes can be assisted treatment of kidney stones
Walnut 120 grams, 120 grams of crystal sugar . The sugar dissolves dipped walnut meat, fried crisp with fragrant , packed in sealed containers , each eating 30 to 60 grams , 3 to 4 times a day . Jade is also commercially available walnut regimens above. This product Warming lung and kidney , laxative , for no urinary tract obstruction like a mung bean or soy ( soy ) large stones, has prompted its exclusion role for the structure of loose stones to help break down after their discharge .

