
Eat more lean prone spots renal impairment should not be more meat

Meat contains high nutritional value, after all, still a tiny percentage of vegetarian people, so the meat is essential for the mass table food . But on the meat , there are still a few taboos .

Eat more lean prone spots

Some people think that fat meat will get fat , eat lean meat can guarantee neither fat nutritional intake , you eat meat . In fact , eat lean meat may not be enough . Higher lean meat content of methionine , methionine at a certain enzyme can catalyze into homocysteine ​​, and homocysteine ​​can also cause excessive atherosclerosis . Animal experiments showed that homocysteine ​​can directly damage the endothelial cells of animals , forming a typical atherosclerotic plaques . Therefore, eating lean meat in moderation, not better.

These people eat meat will be shortened :

1 , renal dysfunction : Although meat is a high protein nutritional value , but in order to reduce the workload of the kidneys , kidney disease protein intake should be slightly lower than the amount of healthy people , and renal excretion must capabilities adapt , if necessary, to temporarily stop eating meat .

2 , patients with cardiovascular disease : study confirmed that excessive intake of red meat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Proportion of saturated fatty acids in red meat , high cholesterol levels, for control of the disease negative. Should eat less pork , beef , etc., with fish and soy products instead.

3 , patients with fatty liver : Fatty liver is due to excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells caused , and tend to have higher fat content of the meat . Patients do not need to reduce fatty liver protein supply , priority should be given less oil cooking fish , multi- fried meat and cooking methods to cook , remove the oil slick eat.

4 , cholecystitis and cholelithiasis patients : too much animal fat can stimulate gallbladder contraction , but a lot of meat increases the risk of cholesterol gallstones . Therefore, these patients should eat less meat , preferably with a rich soy lecithin soy instead , with fish and shrimp and low-fat dairy products to supplement protein.

5 , patients with diabetes : the number of healthy people can eat meat, but in order to avoid cardiovascular complications , should be preferred fish and poultry . Particular attention should be less meat cooking oil to the cooking method as well, avoid fried smoked , avoid excessive glycated protein products

