
Currently patients with renal insufficiency , conventional treatment methods renal failure, uremia what ?

Has developed into a variety of kidney renal failure possible, and uremia by renal insufficiency evolved , so renal failure - uremia early treatment is very important. From a clinical point of view the current Western medicine for kidney failure - uremia and dialysis treatment methods use more kidney transplants , as prone to rely on dialysis , can only be maintained , reach the purpose of treatment , medical herbal treatment of renal function insufficiency, uremia. On the one hand , low cost, pain, toxic side effects, on the other hand is more important is not dependence. Especially for the treatment of renal insufficiency , recovery of renal function , renal function improved more desirable changes in morphology . Will not do anything , the condition for the continuous development of renal failure - uremia. Even uremia not necessarily non- dialysis or a kidney transplant is not available . Herbal treatment. Can often achieve the desired effect .
The basic methods and effects of Western medicine treatment of uremia
    Currently used mainly Western medicine treatment of uremic hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation for treatment. Uremic patients with symptomatic treatment of symptoms . Such as: uremic patients with mild nausea and vomiting can be mitigated by diet therapy, severe available metoclopramide 5 ~ 10mg orally, 3 times a day or intramuscular injection ; or chlorpromazine 12.5 ~ 25mg, 3 times a day, orally or muscle injection. Kidney transplantation in the treatment of uremia taken , the success rate is not high, and the rejection phenomenon were unable to solve , plus the cost of expensive and often the patient prohibitive. If you blindly wait passively simple dialysis treatment will result in the loss of confidence of the patient , will be more frequent hemodialysis , and thus dependent on lifelong consequences.
    If you have already started uremic hemodialysis patients , in order to get rid of and then , in the traditional Western view that is almost impossible , but the fact is not the case. Because the primary disease is not the same for everyone , resulting in uremia and incentives are not exactly the same reason . If you can take an effective way to treat the primary disease removal of incentives , it is entirely possible to get rid of hemodialysis . Once in uremic patients often hemodialysis , first under Chen ideologically defeated , demoralized , mechanically to wait for the next hemodialysis , not only costly but suffered a puncture pain and suffering , do not go looking to get rid of hemodialysis approach , many patients before hemodialysis , mostly long-term stable disease , serum creatinine, uremic nitrogen is relatively stable , not to the extent of non-dialysis is not available , the remaining portion of renal function is still impressive, but often due to a cold, fever, lung infections, enteritis, diarrhea , urinary tract infections, poorly controlled hypertension , trauma or emotional disputes occur with others , or fatigue did not pay attention to rest and other working conditions , leading to the deterioration of the disease occur into dialysis .
    Such being the case , if they can take a scientific treatment of renal medicine with a wealth of clinical experience in medical treatment , dialysis or re opportunity to get rid of a lot of the reason is that the original function of your kidneys are not severe enough to not be in non-dialysis , but a lot of adverse external factors prompted you to advance into the dialysis stage, when treatment quickly if you do not seize the opportunity to remove undesirable elements , to find a cure everything can restore kidney function , so in the end , only dependent on dialysis .
    And for those sudden kidney disease, hemodialysis patients with rapid access to , and should identify the reasons for the kidney itself to take timely specific treatment , such as to the gradual recovery of renal function , get rid of the possibility of re- dialysis will be very large .
    For those slow decline in kidney function , and gradually into the patient dialysis Once hemodialysis , in order to get rid of another , more difficult, but you can not lose hope therefore , patients should not give up at this time to seek treatment , as much out of the dialysis the patient said, "As long as there is one percent of hope, I have to pay 100 percent effort" , and avoid long-term dependence hemodialysis and regret for life , such patients are often better way to experience a lot of scientific treatment of renal and efficacy.
    If we can be effective against renal clearance of immune complexes , atherosclerosis , glomerular sclerosis glomerular necrotizing substances , prompting the glomerular lesions and impaired renal tissue superior ability to repair itself , your kidney function will continue to fix a day to get rid of dialysis will become a reality.

