
Just how uremia "poisonous" how to prevent uremia appear

How to prevent uremia appear? Uremia "sounds like a very scary term, simply put, when the kidneys almost completely lost its original function, and a variety of uncomfortable symptoms manifested, such as severe nausea, vomiting, breathless, heart palpitations, extreme burnout, etc., which is uremia. According to statistics, China's per million population, about 100 people died of uremia. many kidney patients to talk about "uremia" as on "snake." Just how that uremic poisoning ?

"Poisonous" diffuse systemic and endanger the lives and health!

Uremia, renal parenchymal actually due to various causes most or all of chronic damage, loss of excretory function, and therefore can not excrete metabolic waste and degradation of some of the many endocrine hormones, resulting in their accumulation in vivo toxicity in the sky. Toxins include: small molecule metabolites nitrogenous substances, such as guanidine, urea, uric acid, such as amines and indole class of proteins; molecular toxic substances include: retention of excess hormones in the blood: peptides, such as parathyroid hormone; macromolecules toxic substances, such as glucagon, β2-microglobulin, lysozyme. Above a variety of small, medium and large molecules, and some are toxic to humans, some in concentration is normal, harmless to humans, but the blood level is too high, would be toxic, causing uremic symptoms, and with the course progressive deterioration appears to uremia and performance of end-stage when a series of complications. Once developed into uremia, it will "poison" diffuse body!

1, in terms of ideology: we must pay attention to this disease in terms of ideology, not as a trifling matter, we should be conscious to understand the knowledge in this regard.

2, in the body: We want to strengthen the outdoor sports, and more fresh air, enhanced physique.

3, timely treatment of the disease may lead to uremia: normal kidney disease are likely to lead to uremia occur in normal life work, if you feel slightly uncomfortable kidneys, must promptly to the hospital to be checked , treatment, causing the latter to prevent damage to the body more.

4, regular physical examination: the elderly is best on a regular basis to the hospital for examination, and now a lot of things in society are likely to lead to physical illness, especially the elderly, their physical state in decline, with all the various social kind of exciting, and more vulnerable to disease.

5 Diet: Try to avoid using high cadmium content of food or utensils, high cadmium content will lead to the occurrence of uremia. Do not drink alcohol, which is detrimental to the kidneys. For patients with uremia not to drink high protein food, in order to reduce the quality of nitrogen metabolites generated in vivo, because not a lot of use of high-protein foods, so you can choose a number of high nutritional value and contain high protein foods, such as eggs, milk, etc. .

