
Diet features nephritis patients

Nephritis patients dietary needs special attention , and sometimes they need to be specially made ​​meals , pay attention to their diet is not too salty , is sure to put less salt , because that does not aggravate kidney 's filtering ability , and can not eat too fishy and too bland food . So specific dietary requirements , we also look at the following paraffin introduce it .

First, melon bean soup

Melon, green beans , soup, ginger, scallion, salt . Wash the aluminum pan will stir , pour boiling soup , fishing net foam ; ginger Wash film break to put pot, onions rolled into a knot to the roots washed wok , green beans washing clean , remove floating on the water Yuba , and then into the pot stew ; melon , peeled , to the flesh , washed, cut into the pot , simmer until cooked soft but not bad , add a little salt and serve immediately. This soup is clear taste of pure , refreshing and delicious, hot weather heat diuretic effect. Urine applied to wet summer caused adverse arrest or yellow urine and less . Thirst, upset, or swelling, burning pain or urinary tract infections .

Second, the winter melon soup spinach

Melon, spinach , lamb, ginger , onion amount. First melon, peeled , flesh , cut into the box , choose a good wash spinach , cut into 4 cm long segments , sliced ​​lamb , sliced ​​ginger , green onions and cut into sections ; then set fire to the frying pan , oil pan , who voted green onion, sheep meat and stir-fry , then add onion, ginger , spinach, melon pieces , toss, add soup , boil for about 10 minutes , add salt , soy sauce, monosodium glutamate , and finally into the wet starch juice mix well and serve. The soups taste delicious with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect for women with gestational edema , body obesity eat.

Children suffering from nephritis, not more salt diet

Acute nephritis , often advocated control of sodium into the body , because when nephritis due to the abnormal kidney function natriuresis , glomerular filtration rate is poor, difficult to discharge the salt into the body and retention, causing edema.

In addition, more aldosterone secretion nephritis , renal tubular excretion of potassium , sodium security enhancements , prompting Shuinazhuliu . When absorbed into the bloodstream into the body of salt , not only increase the burden on the kidneys, and the plasma penetration increased permeability , high osmotic pressure is absorbent, blood volume increases, the burden on the heart . Sodium ions through the capillary walls into the tissue , the tissue fluid osmotic pressure , and some of the water is transferred to the organization , the increase in interstitial water , adding to the swelling.

So to avoid salt , but it should be noted that when nephritis , long-term impact not only avoid salt appetite, but also for the recovery of kidney disease is not helpful to the growth and development of children's general health hazardous , and even can cause hyponatremia syndrome.

