
Difference nephritis and uremia

Renal failure is a consequence of uremia caused. The main reason for the occurrence of renal failure is the formation of nephritis various reasons, such as acute glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, as well as by the polycystic kidney disease, severe hypertension, severe hypertension can cause renal arteriosclerosis , renal blood flow decreased renal function, lower urinary tract obstruction under poor drainage, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy, or some kind of anatomical defects caused by reflux of urine, causing renal pelvis, calyx expansion, called hydronephrosis oppression of normal kidney tissue, causing renal failure.

Thus seen nephritis and uremia are two different things, but arguably two different stages of a disease. Although there are some causal relationship between them, but not to say that it must develop nephritis consequences of uremia. Nephritis patients after treatment substantially all can be cured.

