
What factors can cause kidney stones happen

Kidney stones are a common stones , the incidence of the disease increases with increasing pressure people what life is constantly rising , many want to know what the incidence of kidney stones is the reason , I believe there are many of my friends do not understand kidney stones cause , here we take a look at what the etiology of kidney stones .
First, do not eat breakfast.
Now a lot of white-collar workers to adapt to the fast-paced life needs , often at the expense of breakfast to stay in shape . And they do not know , after a night of sleep, the body needs to replenish the breakfast , 30% of the energy stored energy throughout the day , do not eat breakfast , will lead to long-term deposition of bile in the gallbladder and intestinal tract, and gastric acid secretion, bile , and induce gastritis , gall and kidney stones.
Second, the lack of drinking water and exercise.
Modern female white-collar workers tend to suffer much greater competitive pressures than men , and often did not feel thirsty before drinking attend . Often compared to men, women are more lack of exercise. Superposition of these two factors , if more experienced the hot summer months , the body of water evaporate faster , reduce urine output , urine crystal deposition , easy to form kidney stones.
Third, irregular diet .
Many white-collar women diet often erratic . Lunch caught eat what . Sometimes simply eat chocolate to eat. As everyone knows, nutritional intake is not balanced and easy to make the kidneys and urine calcium, oxalate , uric acid composition generally increased, if not promptly removed from the body , it is easy to form kidney stones.
Fourth, excessive nightlife .
Modern white-collar women 's nightlife is usually more frequently, often with a variety of entertaining clients at night after work, no time will be about entertaining colleagues and friends to go clubbing or karaoke OK, but excessive drinking coffee , alcohol, etc. can also cause kidney stones.

Fifth, negative emotions.
Modern young white woman in the face , " fashion" temptations of life , it will produce an unstable mood, while women are more likely sentimental characteristics , will amplify this sentiment , such as long-term in depressed mood , the body 's immune system will be impact , causing kidney stones.
The above has helped introduce the cause of kidney disease , we want to be helpful , the patient must be timely detection of disease , and the need for early treatment , for the treatment of the disease , the patient can choose to diagnosis and treatment of Beijing Heng Hospital I hope patients will recover quickly .

