
Treatment of uremia

When kidney function drops to less that five to ten percent of kidney failure , waste will accumulate in the body , fatigue, anorexia, nausea , vomiting , edema , anemia, high blood pressure, nerve or bone lesions and other symptoms and phenomena , but also is suffering from uremia.

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy , is the 21st century, the birth of scientific therapy , the use of high technology , the traditional Chinese medicine processing of micro-based medicine , traditional Chinese medicine to cure kidney micro ultrasonic carry through the skin , blood, kidney meridian direct role in the lesion site . Through blood, blood stasis , raw new kidney repair three steps.

Kidney transplant. Commonly known as " transplant " , generally do not have broken the original kidney removed, but only in the pelvic implant new kidney ( renal or dead relatives to donate kidneys ) . Compared to dialysis , kidney transplantation better prolong life ; also improve anemia, neuropathy , renal osteodystrophy and reproductive functions , so that patients can be compared to a normal life ; costs and also reduce the burden on family members to take care of long-term dialysis .

Peritoneal dialysis . Patients must first catheter placed in the abdominal cavity , in order to facilitate and lead poured into the dialysate . Because it uses a plastic bag was changed four times a day , during which the use of peritoneal a " proliferation " and " ultra- filtration " effect, patients can move freely , so called continuity of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis . However, chronic lung disease, hernia patients , adhesions after abdominal surgery or colostomy are not suitable for adoption . Furthermore , during the treatment of peritoneal infection and catheter should be noted problems .

Hemodialysis. Renal replacement therapy , commonly known as " dialysis ." In fact , the kidney dialysis is not really out to wash. Instead, the patient's blood is introduced dirty dialysis ( dialysis ) " dialyzer " machine, with its hollow fibers " semipermeable membrane " feature , and the dialysate ( dialysis syrup ) a " proliferation" ( discharge of waste and electrolyte exchange , pH ) and " ultra-filtration " ( dehydration ) after the two effects , then clean the blood lead back to the body.

Huoxuetongluo process. This process is to remove kidney edema hypercoagulable state, promote blood circulation , accelerate the discharge of liquid water , improve renal blood flow, improve renal function. Since the medicine has two-way adjustment , the Micro-Chinese Medicine to eliminate proteinuria and edema subsided also has a huge role.

After the above treatment , as if reborn uremic patients , renal function was restored , physiological function improved. Overall adjustment, so that the physical condition of the patient's overall improvement .

