
Nephropathy leading to the four categories of low back pain

1 large individual differences in the clinical manifestations , depending on the cause of stone , composition, size, number , location , activity , with or without infection, and the degree of renal obstruction pathological damage . Light can have no symptoms, can occur without serious urine, kidney failure , toxic shock and death.
2 When impacted stones fall within the Ministry of ureteropelvic junction or ureter , renal colic may occur as a sudden onset of paroxysmal knife-like pain , severe pain unbearable , the patient restless , or pain from the waist to the side of the abdomen under radiation to the bladder area , genitals and inner thighs, and sometimes sweating , nausea and vomiting .
3 due to heavy stones on mucosal injury , it is often gross hematuria. Pain and hematuria often induced when the patient more activities . When stones concurrent infection, pus in the urine , frequent urination , dysuria symptoms.
4 When secondary to acute pyelonephritis or renal empyema , may have fever, chills , chills and other symptoms. When the bilateral complete obstruction of urinary tract stones or kidney stones , can lead to no urine .
Common symptoms

Normal urine of some dissolved substances , due to various causes precipitation, retention in the kidney , and continued to grow , you can form stones. Kidney stones occur in middle-aged men than women . Kidney stones may exist for a long asymptomatic , especially in the larger stones. Activities range of smaller stones , when small stones into PUJ or ureter , causing severe ureteral peristalsis , to promote the discharge of stones , so there colic and hematuria. Kidney stones can cause pain and cramps into dull . 40% -50 % of patients had episodes of pain for the gap . Pain often at the waist and abdomen , most paroxysmal , persistent pain can . Some pain may only showed waist soreness , activity or labor can contribute to the onset of pain or worse. Kidney stones colic knife-like pain was severe , often sudden onset of pain often radiating to the lower abdomen , groin or femoral medial , women radiate to the labia . Renal colic , patients showed acute tolerance , curled up in bed , his hands pressed against the abdomen or waist , or even rolling in bed , moaning incessantly. Seizures often last for hours , but also a few that relief. Severe renal colic , pale body cold sweat, pulse small and quick , and even blood pressure, was a collapsed state , accompanied by nausea , vomiting, bloating constipation. When colic , decreased urine output , after colic relief, the phenomenon may be more urine .
Hematuria is another major symptom of kidney stones. Pain , often associated with gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria , the latter mostly a lot of gross hematuria is rare, hematuria after physical activity can be increased. Patients with kidney stones in the urine can be discharged sand, especially at the onset of pain and hematuria , mixed with sand or small stones in the urine. When the stones through the urethra , blocking or tingling . Kidney stones are a common complication of obstruction and infection, urinary tract infection symptoms because many cases of medical treatment . Obstruction can cause hydronephrosis, appear on the abdomen or flank mass.

