
Hydronephrosis What are the main symptoms ?

What are the symptoms of patients with hydronephrosis ? This is a lot of patients suffering from hydronephrosis want to know . Experts remind hydronephrosis great harm to the patient 's health , only to learn more knowledge of hydronephrosis , early alert, understand their condition , early treatment can reduce the harm . The following Xiaobian to introduce simple symptoms in patients with hydronephrosis , I hope for your help.

One of the symptoms of hydronephrosis : Pain

Hydronephrosis in patients with lower back pain is the most important symptoms. Often obvious symptoms in chronic obstruction , showed only waist dull . Most acute obstruction of low back pain may appear obvious or typical renal colic . Although there are individual patients with acute bilateral obstruction or complete obstruction , but does not feel pain.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis II: kidney enlargement and abdominal mass

Chronic obstructive hydronephrosis due to the swelling can cause kidney or abdominal mass , the patient does not necessarily have other symptoms, long-term obstruction palpable abdominal cystic mass .

Three symptoms of hydronephrosis : hematuria

Upper urinary tract obstruction caused hematuria is not common, but if the obstruction occurs due to stones or tumors in the kidney colic but also hematuria . In cases of partial obstruction of the performance of intermittent obstruction , then increased urine output when colic occurs after , and can cause hematuria. When there is a secondary infection may also be associated with hematuria or pyuria .

Four hydronephrosis symptoms : swollen

Hydronephrosis, urine concentration in the kidney patients because no row , the patient usually appears facial swelling , eyelid edema particularly obvious .

