
Kidney four magic man eat out healthy kidney

Kidney is one of the most important organs of the body , is also one of the most in need of protection of human organs , especially for male friends even more so . So in our daily lives Kidney Yang Shen How should it ? The following Xiaobian to recommend male Yang Shen kidney four magic , we want to help !


Known as " water ginseng ", which has strong lumbar kidney , strong fine Fu Yang , the effect of sexual function decline, nocturnal emission , premature ejaculation , impotence do not move, move without kin have a good therapeutic effect. Usage: The loach remove intestinal mixed , put the pan slowly fry for a while, plus the amount of rice and water , boiled white like milk loach soup , soup meat . Even eating one week or more, can consciousness function improved, room after PENDLETON , reduction of fatigue .


Shrimp have kidney yang function. " Compendium of Materia Medica ," said shrimp can " impotence Road ", " Compendium of Materia Medica" say " shrimp , kidney Xing Yang ." Edible method : ① jen 50 grams , or a single fry fry with bamboo shoots , fresh 1 day , even eating more than one week ; ② braised prawns , fresh 2 per door , eat it effectively .

Silkworm chrysalis

Contains a variety of rich nutrients, kidney, strong sperm , impotence of power. " Doctors do not record ," a book that it was " aphrodisiac thing , stop ejaculation ." Its consumption: The pupa rinse , a little dry , cooked with fried or fried , salt, monosodium glutamate eaten, its taste delicious. Eating once a day , each 50 grams. Then soaked in water to drink wolfberry , can be effective after 1 week .


Chinese medicine believes that Walnut is " yang of goods" for neurasthenia, decreased sexual function , impotence emission embolism. " Medical Zhong West recorded " a book , said: " walnuts for nourishing the liver and kidney, gluten bone health to the drug ." Used to enhance sexual function , and its consumption methods : ① walnuts 30 grams , kidney sub 2 slices , sharing oil and fry , dinner, eat hot ; ② walnuts 30 grams , 30 grams of black sesame seeds , were broken , mix, chewing early or late , eat effective , not only can enhance sexual function, but also to improve the early white hair , frail effective

