
Uremic patient's self-psychological adjustment

With the deterioration of kidney function in patients with the loss of not only physical health but also mental health. Because renal failure and must be accompanied by a gradual physical decline, worsening anemia , and anemia deteriorate further enable physical decline , that will become powerless feeling the pain of every heart patients . Plus for a completely unknown future - fear after dialysis and chronic illness feel your body everything as people feel. Of course, the side effects of dialysis is very obvious , such as dialysis female patients after more than 99% will lose the ability to give birth , and these patients for certain age will cause very severe depression .
    Perhaps these are the facts right , but things are not so pessimistic. Although renal failure after physical will not as normal, but rely on the efficacy of erythropoietin , as long as adequate doses injected vast majority of anemia can be corrected , of course, good for the patient's strength , after combination therapy , adopt a " after uremic spirit "series as the core of a comprehensive treatment, some patients can even dare to engage ordinary people often try to work such as weightlifting , blacksmiths and so on.
There 's a common misconception , but the impact will be very serious mental health is - renal failure this disease will not be transmitted to your family ? You can eat together with the family? In fact, the vast majority of kidney disease is not contagious so naturally simply sharing a meal with family can be .
As mentioned previously, the vast majority of women on dialysis have infertility, but the vast majority of men who are relatively dialysis and not lose fertility , reduce the number of times but have intercourse phenomenon according to the study .
    Many patients fear to travel and stay at home all day . Some people feel that their physical condition candle in the wind , in a precarious state . Some Renal dialysis is afraid to go elsewhere cause side effects such as wash clean . In fact, one or two wash clean without causing harm to the body if there is no doubt make appropriate travel physically and mentally able to get the swap.

