
Beware frequent urination hair loss common symptoms of kidney deficiency haunted woman

People often think that the kidney is the yang , the relationship with the woman nothing. In fact, the kidney is equally important for women , women will not only kidney , but not lower than the proportion of men . Tell your health beauty network performance and its prevention measures six women kidney .

1 , always wanted to toilet

A small shopping every time , even if not simmering water, or old want to go to the toilet . Ranked team most of the day , and finally their turn , but each time the urine has been particularly small. It did not for a moment , the mood at just wandered , she also misses on the bathroom .

Analysis : Female urination usually the most obvious feature is the " less time and more ." When physical decline , kidney imaginary loss, bladder gasification will show weakness, bladder smooth muscle fiber tension will decline, making the bladder elasticity decreased renal clearance is not solid, like a door shut lax , it will frequent urination and urinary incontinence phenomena .

Kidney measures: keep warm , eat more specialized kidney foods, such as wolfberry, Chinese yam , chives, lamb, dog , walnut and so on. If the urine , frequent urination and more, such as 24- hour urine total more than 2500 ml , we must guard against diabetes and other diseases may occur. In addition , psychological factors may also cause polyuria , this situation is more common in middle-aged women , often accompanied by insomnia, indigestion , or severe nervous breakdown , the performance was too uneven, generally there is no hazard to health .

2, the hair becomes scarce

Small V 's job is not busy, but always love hair loss recently , very careful daily care of her very puzzled , they are not depressed do not sleep, how could this happen ?

Analysis : Female kidney height of the period was about 22 years old , after 25 years , they begin to gradually decline. Chinese medicine says "Kidneys water in the hair ," kidney function is good or bad performance on the hair . Shiny hair pliable , indicating kidney health . Kidney people often brittle and dull hair , prone to hair loss .

Kidney responses: eat some kidney foods, such as yam is a good nourishing food, both qi and yin , wolfberry can also cook mutton soup Warming kidney . In addition , eight hours of sleep a day is also very important, and drinking less alcohol, eat less spicy food and strong coffee , tea and other spicy foods.

3 , there is always ashamed to show his panda eyes

N makeup every morning when the small , often find themselves before the big shiny eyes has been replaced by a pair of puffy panda eyes, but looking very ugly . She was very depressed , obviously he is not 30 years old , how will aging so fast ?

Analysis : Chinese medicine theory, black represents the kidney, eye black , says kidney . Kidneys water , kidney is the body's water metabolism detrimental , leading to edema, eyelid is usually the first to be discovered .

Kidney responses: less late at night , before bedtime drink less ; eat sesame paste dot peach : peach kernel 30 grams , 50 grams of black sesame seeds , South almonds 15 grams, Coix 25 grams , sugar 30 grams. The first four herbs washed into the casserole , add water , simmer 2 hours of boiling , add sugar to taste, you can drink soup consumption.

4 , chills and diarrhea easily

Small C is always cold , a cold will often diarrhea . Often looked pretty wearing short skirts and sisters in the office, she only had secretly jealous envy.

Analysis : yang yang fundamental systemic , thanks yang agitation life activities , such as kidney deficiency , the body is not very inviting , there will be cold.

Kidney Solution: You can take part in fitness , accelerate blood circulation, enhance the anti- cold ability ; should be selected in the daily diet of mutton , dog meat , beef, leeks , peppers, onions , ginger, longan and other warming yang foods.

5 , inexplicably fat

D has been very little attention to his body , in addition to abuse their mouths , she did not forget to always go to the gym and sweat, and made ​​her dismay, has recently inexplicably fat 2 kg .

Analysis : Chinese medicine, the basic cause of obesity is sputum, wet , hysteresis , further said , is due to kidney deficiency leads to fat women .

Kidney Solution: After two palms rub , were put to the waist , to feel the heat up , sooner or later a few times , you can fill satisfied kidney . Also eat duck , goose , rabbit, like carp , rice , glutinous rice, millet, jujube and other foods also should eat qi .

6 , insomnia , lying in bed counting sheep every day

Tried countless ways to get rid of the small Y are not troubled by insomnia , and now she is the formation of such a sleep habits : sleep medication , do not take medicine counting sheep .

Analysis : kidney within the virtual fire disturbance , people irritable ; kidneys do not pay then lead to insomnia, forgetfulness . Tension, excessive sexual intercourse , or after eating a lot of warm dry food , are likely to occur and kidney .

Kidney measures: reducing so nervous excitement of the evening activities, such as talk, listening to and watching exciting program , do not do strenuous exercise. Also you can intake duck , turtle , lotus root , lotus , lily , medlar, mushrooms, grapes , mulberry and other foods in the diet.

