
Chinese understanding of the etiology and pathology of uremic

Uremia basic pathogenesis based virtual reality . Positive imaginary including gas, blood , yin , yang deficiency , there is real evil dampness , blood stasis and phlegm , may be associated with water to stop the infestation , and sometimes evils and folders . Its evolution is often caused by virtual reality , and then on the basis of the virtual and the real evil generated .

( 1 ) evils invasion : Persistent kidney , organs function decline, yin and yang qi asthenia , health and foreign weakness , vulnerable evils invasion . Or wind cold injury, lung undeclared , governance section dereliction of duty, not water passage , under lose bladder, triple burner unfavorable , wet muddy block, hurt Pitu ; or lack of positive factors that body , headed the invasion of cold air conditioning stomach sausage, cold knot in real focal stroke , loss and lower stomach , stomach Shangni , inhibitory small intestine, can not distinguish between bleeding cloud ; or because of phlegm filled , evil heat into Hyperactivity dampness , phlegm pump knot obstructive pulmonary collaterals caused asthma can not lie .

( 2 ) the troubles over : long engaged in heavy manual labor, excessive fatigue, the spleen and kidney damage ; titanic struggle over , early marriage and more sterile , kidney damage , kidney deficiency , Vital Huoshuai fire does not warm the soil , spleen and kidney deficiency . Spleen Oue not eat , kidney is not water, gas lines , wet muddy diffuse , spread his dirty finally defeat all internal organs .

( 3 ) improper diet : diet section include overeating, chronic hunger , the partial eclipse , excessive drinking , etc., will damage the stomach , so spend Mizutani , metaplasia subtle , bear blood function is affected. If the long-term damage to the spleen and stomach , caused by lack of blood will source , in order to fully support the acquired no innate , it also damage the kidneys ; kidney injury is waist government dystrophy, water gasification negative , so see back pain , edema, embolism ; addition, stomach wasting, diet of subtle , anti- wet cloud . Dampness congestion triple burner, righteousness shall not lift, and see vomiting and urinating blocking barrier .

( 4 ) the emotional injury : long-term emotional discomfort , Concerned Huinu , liver failure , liver qi stagnation, triple burner gas-poor , a gram tribulations and Pitu , liver and spleen , spleen fails , moisture spread ; an air-block , blood running negative, stagnation may occur , or liver stagnation and falling , Yu-fire , anger burns yin , causing liver and kidney . Such as "Jing Yue Quan Shu" contains : " Bu Wei anger liver injury, kidney damage can also love it ."

( 5 ) loss of government mistreatment ; such as in the treatment of primary disease , treatment shall not be treated , protracted course , or jump to cast the bitter cold injury in the stomach of the goods lost , spleen fails , Spleen weakness, kidney injuries ; or jump to vote Xin heat , disability allowance consumption overcast , yin loss , further resulting in insufficient and Yin ; or only pay attention to the treatment of renal diseases , while ignoring the conditioning of the kidney , causing kidney damage ; or spleen injuries with toxic drugs , resulting in spleen fails , kidney failure gasification, wet block, the toxic cloud of Health .

In summary, the complex pathogenesis of uremia , and see the actual situation , imbalance of yin and yang , cold and heat staggered, disease-bit wide internal organs and may involve multiple organs of the stomach , intestine, triple burner , bladder and so on. Which spleen decline, wet Cho- drug retention is key to pathogenesis .

