
Uremic patients how diet to ensure proper nutrition

Uremic patients how diet to ensure proper nutrition? Uremic patients to maintain adequate caloric intake; ensure adequate protein intake; strictly control the intake of water and salt; kidney dialysis patients also want to restrict phosphorus intake. Uremia diet depends on their condition, including kidney residual renal function, urine case uremic patients and patients with uremia hemodialysis frequency.

Uremic patient's protein intake is strictly limited, try to choose a good source of protein (such as meat, eggs, milk protein quality is better) in order to fully utilize repair or maintain muscles strong, legumes (soybeans exceptions) , nuts, gluten products of poor quality protein, whole grains, flour products, sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, vegetables, fruits contain, will create more waste, increase the burden on the kidneys. Protein intake should be controlled at 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight, for example, weighs 50 kg, a daily protein intake should be controlled to about 30 grams.

Due to limitations of protein intake, intake of rice classes were restricted, and therefore less likely to cause the heat, when the body of the original protein is consumed, but to make urea increased resistance to deterioration, so the activities necessary to eat more high- calorie, low-protein foods (carbohydrates, such as: sugar, honey, fruit and sugar; vegetable oils and protein powder such as vermicelli, sago, etc.) The main function of phosphorus is to strengthen bones, kidney failure patients are unable to work due to the kidneys Therefore the excess phosphorus will accumulate in the blood, resulting in hyperphosphatemia, resulting in itchy skin and bone lesions. High phosphorus foods are dairy products, soft drinks, cola, leaven (Kin Su sugar), organs, dried beans, whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread), eggs, dried fish, should also be careful to avoid multi- food.

When poor kidney function, the body may not be able to effectively remove excess potassium, and potassium is too high can cause serious cardiac conduction and contraction abnormalities, and even death. So usually should eat less high content of potassium vegetables (such as mushrooms, mustard greens, cauliflower, spinach, spinach, bamboo shoots, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, guava) and fruits (such as loquat, peach, orange, hard persimmon, orange etc.), and avoid eating raw vegetable salad ... others such as coffee, tea, chicken, beef essence, ginseng extract, concentrated broth, soy sauce, salt bags have high levels of potassium, eat sparingly.

