
Polycystic kidney disease can cause high blood pressure !

Polycystic kidney disease causes high blood pressure :
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease , is a congenital anomaly. Polycystic kidney cyst formation is mainly developmental disorders of the renal parenchyma and construction , often bilateral , both sides are not the same degree of involvement and more . Polycystic kidney disease caused by hypertension, polycystic kidney cyst is oppressive to the normal kidney tissue , so that renal ischemia , hypoxia, low perfusion of the kidney. Polycystic kidney disease in patients with hypertension phenomenon will appear. Patients with polycystic renal hypertension if not timely controlled , will continue to increase renal pathological damage , severe renal fibrosis , serum creatinine increased, so that deterioration will continue to rise in blood pressure can cause heart enlargement , heart failure . Some patients rapid progression of kidney tissue pressure , impaired renal function occurs in chronic renal failure, eventually leading to uremia.
Polycystic renal hypertension treatment :
Polycystic kidney disease caused by renal hypertension and essential hypertension is different for polycystic kidney disease caused by high blood pressure , treatment of hypertension should be placed on critical treatment of polycystic kidney disease , reduce stress cysts on the kidneys , reducing kidney cyst real oppression, delay or block the process of renal fibrosis , so as to treat high blood pressure from the roots. The source of this, Micro-Chinese Medicine blocking medication from reduced renal fibrosis series cysts, renal tissue to reduce the damage from the fundamental .
The main achievement of treatment by expanding blood vessels and improve blood circulation :
Through the expansion of the renal arteries , increasing renal perfusion , can improve the body 's microcirculation, increase oxygen supply , increase metabolism, thus changing the wall cell activity, increased permeability, take away the cyst fluid ; while preventing cell wall cyst fluid secretion , and fundamentally reduce the cyst.

With the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine has played an active substance , lifting the cyst on the surrounding renal unit compression symptoms , relieve normal kidney tissue ischemia and hypoxia , delaying the process of renal fibrosis . This will not only ease the generation of hypertension , and with the release of angiotensin factor weakening , increased vascular relaxing factor , promoting the wall of the blood circulation , the blood vessels to become a degree of relaxation . BP will get progressively control .
In addition , Chinese medicine active substances targeted positioning in fibrotic tissue damage , myofibroblasts and immune complexes . After fusion , releasing a series of effective medicines, degradation of fibrous tissue lesions and immune complexes , blocking kidney deterioration chain fibers ; provide the necessary material to re- repair the damaged kidney units only after renal structural repair , to rebuild and restore kidney function , to improve the clinical symptoms .

