
Harm and treatment of renal cysts

Single cysts have no symptoms , and only when it becomes large , causing lower back pain, will have symptoms appear. Occurs when a single cyst , sometimes you have a finger touch abdomen soft blocks. Polycystic kidney disease occasionally cause hematuria ( blood in the urine ) , or recurrent pyelonephritis . In most cases , no symptoms of polycystic kidney disease , unless the cyst has finally replaced the much kidney tissue , causing chronic renal failure. When the disease is caused by chronic renal failure to the point when the symptoms began to appear .
Kidney cysts are usually in some other reason to do the inspection to be found. Many patients with renal cysts do not know they have the disease. However , severe polycystic kidney disease is extremely rare. In the U.S. , about 2 % of chronic renal failure disease is caused by renal cysts .
The only hazard is the single kidney cyst may develop into malignant cyst , but this rarely happens , polycystic kidney disease can lead to chronic renal failure, but this situation is equally rare.
If you suffer from renal cysts unity , often due to other diseases when the check was discovered. As the cyst may have cancer , so doctors will tell you to undergo further examination - such as an ultrasound , and even do attract cyst surgery ( doctors use needle cyst ) , out to do the inspection within the cyst fluid . After the implementation of renal cysts attract local anesthesia surgery, patients are usually painless . If the cyst fluid cytology results in all normal , and the giant cyst did not expand enough to cause kidney damage or cause extreme discomfort, usually you do not need further treatment.
Doctors may be checking your other kinds of diseases , I happened to find that you are suffering from polycystic kidney disease, but if you know someone in your home suffered from this disease , you and your family should consult a physician whereabouts . In order to prevent problems that might occur in the future, you should have regular health checks. Even when you should go check the body , you think everything is fine , should adhere to , because, if the development of kidney cysts may cause malignant. You better be there early alert to be prevented in time .
Painless and benign renal cysts do not require treatment , but if the cyst becomes larger , resulting in pain, or if you find the cyst is malignant, you often need surgical treatment , the lesions nephrectomy . Removal of a kidney is usually regarded as a simple surgery, it 's only one kidney can live a normal and healthy life. Because a healthy kidney can easily afford two kidneys work.

Polycystic kidney disease has no specific treatment. If the cyst was discovered early on , and has since received regular checks or medical examination, the doctor may be able to treat chronic renal failure in the same way , delaying progressive kidney damage .

