
Nine kidney injury must know bad habits

1 , Lan Fu painkillers

Studies have shown that long-term use of painkillers mixed , the body's blood flow velocity will be forced to reduce , so will seriously affect kidney function . In addition , it is noteworthy that the analgesic -induced renal failure patients are more prone to bladder cancer.

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Solution: No matter what kind of taking painkillers, only suitable for occasional use , definitely not long-term use , if long-term need to rely on painkillers, you must do a thorough medical examination .

2 , unsolicited edible food and medicine

Because you eating grass carp bile or gall bladder and other exotic foods caused acute renal failure are common , many people because of curiosity , even blindly taking medicine to impotence . In fact, many Chinese medicine ingredients contain aristolochic acid nephrotoxicity , not only will bring great harm kidneys , and some will even cause harm to the body .

Solution: fish guts or gall bladder, although often claims to have aphrodisiac , can detoxify or efficacy of the treatment of acne , but even medicine with fish guts or gall bladder , must be specially concocted to clear its toxicity , do not blindly serve food.

3 , improper consumption of fruits and vegetables

Eat more fruits and vegetables healthy , which is most people's idea , but for chronic renal dysfunction people, fruits and vegetables can help these usually are considered natural blood pressure lowering ingredient foods containing potassium , but will result in long-term consumption of their destruction of renal function. In fact, for people who are poor kidney function , potassium also aggravate kidney workmanship ingredients, great for kidney damage.

Solution: If you suffer from chronic renal dysfunction , you should pay attention to proper eating fruits and vegetables , to avoid impact on the kidneys. Do not drink too strong juices , hot pot soup , soup diet to light is appropriate.

4, with drinks instead of water

Most men do not love the bland boiled water , by contrast, soft drinks, cola and other carbonated drinks or coffee and other drinks naturally become the best alternative to plain water . However, these drinks contain caffeine , often lead to increased blood pressure, and high blood pressure , kidney injury is one of the important factors .

Solution: Try to avoid too much drink plain water instead to keep the drink eight large cups a day of white water to facilitate timely discharge toxins .

5 , do not love to drink water

Kidney accepted waste far more than other organs and organ . The most important thing is waste kidneys balance , metabolic activity is responsible for the physiological mediator of body water and electrolyte generated , side by side in the urine , but when it performed these functions , you need enough water to assist .

Solution: develop the habit of drinking more water can dilute the urine , so the urine rapid discharge , not only can prevent stones , while eating too much salt also helps lighten the urine , thereby protecting the kidneys.

6 , drink a lot of beer

If you have suffered from kidney disease areas , and unlimited drink a lot of beer , will lead to the deposition of uric acid renal tubular obstruction, causing kidney failure.

Solution: If the blood test , I found kidney problems , I am afraid that this time has been impaired renal function does not light up , such as a blood test to find out their kidneys, usually on a regular basis not as urine , because urine tests are the most understanding of kidney simple and efficient way .

7 , eat too much meat

The U.S. Food Association has suggested that human daily intake of protein per kilogram of body weight of 0.8 grams, which means a person weighing 50 kg , the daily intake of 40 grams of protein only , so the extra 300 grams a day can not eat meat , so avoid causing too much damage to the kidneys .

Solution: If you have urinary protein found in the urine , and eat too much meat , so long cause kidney damage . Meat and soy meal intake should be controlled at about 0.5 cm in thickness of the palm-sized , if people who have chronic nephritis , this amount should be reduced.

8 , the pressure caused by too much blood pressure

High blood pressure , has become one of the modern health threat , in large part because of the life and work pressure caused by too much , and thus indirectly affect the normal functioning of the kidney. Pressure common symptoms are insomnia, men 's blood pressure higher than women on average 5 to 10 mm Hg , and the average will cause insomnia, high blood pressure 2-5 mm Hg.

Solution: young people are generally very difficult to find their hypertension cases, so no matter how old , the best time to time to conduct a blood pressure measurement , and stay up all night and stress prevention Ambassador blood pressure.

9 , eat too much salt

Salt, is to make a major culprit aggravated kidney burden . Salt in our diet is 95% metabolized by the kidneys , and the intake of too much burden on the kidneys forced increased , coupled with the sodium salt causes the body to water can not be discharged, further increasing the burden on the kidneys, resulting in a loss of kidney function .

Solution: Science daily salt intake should be controlled at less than 6 grams, of which there are three grams can be obtained directly from the daily food , so when the food flavoring should be maintained at less than 3-5 g . Notably , instant noodles in salt particularly , people often eat the best food reduction .

