
Uremic patients dietary conditioning program

Uremic patient's diet conditioning program ? Uremia is commonly known as end-stage chronic renal failure , chronic renal failure when entering uremia , renal function has severe irreversible damage has occurred. For uremic patients , clinical course is very therapeutic , one diet conditioning is essential but secondary treatment .

1 , quantitative protein supplement

For uremic patients , the daily need to add a certain amount of protein, the protein is best with a high amount of movement protein amino acids , such as fish food , try to avoid eating vegetable protein supplement daily volume of about 50g. By supplementing such proteins , both to meet the metabolism of amino acids required , but also to avoid excessive intake of protein increase the burden of renal function.

2 , adequate intake of vitamin

Uremic patients should maintain adequate vitamin intake, vitamins are necessary for human metabolism coenzyme . Uremic patients should eat foods rich in vitamins , preferably by eating fruits and vegetables to supplement, to fruits and vegetables contain a variety of vitamins , fruits and vegetables and high fiber content and secondly , you can keep the stool and reduce the gastrointestinal stimulation channels.

3, control the intake of water and electrolytes

Many patients with uremia appear water, electrolyte imbalance, and should therefore be a serious control of water and electrolyte intake. Daily salt intake should be controlled 2-3 grams , avoid excessive salt intake , increased edema. While many uremic patients because of long-term diuretic therapy , often potassium, calcium, potassium and calcium should be appropriate to eat food .

