
Acute nephritis diet of herbs

Food therapy has a very important role in the treatment of acute nephritis , according to the different conditions to the appropriate reduction of some foods, in order to achieve the effect of regulating the body's internal organs . ( Acute nephritis , nephritis Diet , nephritis diet ) food therapy has a very important role in the treatment of acute nephritis , according to the different conditions to the appropriate reduction of some things in order to achieve the effect of regulating the body's internal organs .

Here we recommend ten kinds of commonly used herbs :

1 red bean porridge melon melon 450g, red bean 30 g, add water, a little sugar , porridge eat melon . Applicable to patients with acute nephritis edema and edema of .

2 Carp Carp a red bean soup (about 100g), red bean 50g. First Chixiaodou add water and cook until cooked, then put the carp , cook for a while, thirsty soup meat. For acute nephritis , oliguria , edema patients.

3 lychee litchi juice grass 50g, 500 ml of water , add water, dextrose After plebeia washed, chopped , 3 times a day, plus Baimi when serving 10 ml . For acute nephritis hot like those .

4 fresh rhizome drink fresh rhizome 50 grams , 50 grams of corn . The rhizome , washed with water after corn dextrose , or single herb rhizome 60 grams Jianshui . Behalf of the tea , 3 to 5 times a day for acute nephritis facial swelling , chills, fever , dysuria were .

5 cricket frog frog gourd powder (dry goods ) 2 , mole crickets 7 , Chen gourd 15 g , Wei Chao , research into the go or for pills to warm wine delivery service, 6 grams per serving , 3 times a day . For acute nephritis patients taking .

6 fresh shepherd's purse Capsella Tang Xian 200 to 240 g washed with water three large bowl , add egg fry a bowl of water when a ( shelled Beat ) , cooked a little salt , Yin Tang bite and eggs , each 1 to 2 times a day . Treatment of acute nephritis edema, hematuria.

7 . Honeysuckle 15 ~ 30g, chrysanthemum 15 ~ 30g, a little green tea , tea. For acute nephritis wind heat invading , sore throat .

8 soup pig kidneys a pig kidneys , cut to the fascia , washed with Codonopsis 15g, Astragalus 20g, 20g Gorgon joint soup . For acute nephritis edema, hypertension , embolism has faded , but still residual proteinuria .

9 black mullet soup 1 ( about 500g) 60 red bean , rice wine, a spoon , a small fire slowly simmer to Sulan, eat two times a day. Apply conditioner after acute nephritis edema .

10. Cordyceps Cordyceps stewed yam 3 ~ 5g or 3 to 5 , medlar 12g, chicken 75 ~ 100g, candied a water 180ml, into Dunshu, a little oil and salt to taste. Apply conditioner after acute nephritis edema .

