
What are the early symptoms of uremia?

Since many people do not particularly care for some of the symptoms, which missed the best time for treatment. In fact, the early symptoms of uremia Although it is not very obvious, careful observation can still be found. Here we follow Xiaobian look at it.

1 hematopoietic system performance must be early symptoms of anemia is uremia.

In addition to anemia, easy bleeding there, such as ecchymosis, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, black stools, etc.; This is because uremia, platelet function is poor, can easily be destroyed, together with acidosis increases capillary fragility and other reasons year. In addition, in the nephrotic syndrome, especially when the adrenal cortex hormone therapy, and may be due to inhibition of coagulation factor higher multiple coagulation factor activity weakened, hypoalbuminemia caused by blood concentration, blood is hypercoagulable state can be easily vascular thrombosis.

2 spirit of the nervous system.

Listlessness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, may have numb limbs, hands and feet burning and itching of skin, itching unbearable even lower limbs must move frequently, you can not stop and other early symptoms of uremia. Can occur late lethargy, irritability, delirium, muscle tremors or twitching, convulsions, coma. Causes of mental, neurological symptoms, probably metabolite retention common result of leaving the water, electrolyte imbalance, metabolic acidosis, and high blood pressure, nervous system effects, and peripheral neuropathy may be associated with "the molecules' retention relationship over the large.

3. Metabolic disorders symptoms of uremia patients have varying degrees of metabolic disorders.

Due to malnutrition, reduced protein synthesis, coupled with the loss of protein in the urine, so many patients have significant hypoproteinemia and weight loss, lower blood levels of essential amino acids, essential amino acids are not the most elevated. In addition, uremic patients often have hyperlipidemia, especially the other, elevated triglycerides will increase atherosclerosis. Hyperlipidemia, but the result of fat metabolism disorders.

