
What to eat in favor of chronic nephritis rehabilitation

Treatment of patients with chronic nephritis is very important, but patients have to eat every day , if you can help the rehabilitation of the diet that why not do it ? Then , chronic nephritis patients ate it? Here we look at what there is to eat in patients with chronic nephritis help recovery.

1 , fresh Chine 200 grams, 200 grams of rice . Chine first wash , add water , boiling for half an hour , fishing to the dregs , plus washing the rice and continue to congee .

2 , 50 to 100 grams of rice , pokeweed 5 g . Phytolacca dextrose water first , to the residue, then add rice porridge. Daily or every other day. For chronic nephritis edema , liver cirrhosis with ascites .

3 , a male duck green head , rice amount , light blue 3 stems. The blue head chopped cooked duck extremely bad , then Garmisch , light blue porridge , or duck porridge , warm food, 5 to 7 days for treatment . This side has a replenishing spleen , water swelling effect. Applies to all edema patients.

4 gourd skin, skin melon , watermelon , 30 grams , jujube 10 grams , with the release of approximately 400 ml pot, add water , simmer till about 150 ml , to slag Serve. Yin Tang, day one , until the swelling subsided so far.

5 , fresh water, dry beans or beans , 250 grams, 500 grams of lean beef , a little salt. The cuts of beef and beans, put in casserole with salt , simmer Dunshu rotten food , 2 times a day, with the amount of food.

6 , live carp from 1 to 2 , 50 grams of rice , wick spend 5 to 8 . The 3 flavor , add water, boiled gruel to eat. Day one , for chronic nephritis , pyelonephritis .

